Wow. A deep and bruising chapter.
For all of us, understanding that from Extreme Ownership; “ Ego clouds and disrupts everything….the most difficult ego to deal with is your own.” is for sure the most bruising part.
Our discussions on ego has been interesting and eye opening. Many of our people opened up to the realization that ego was getting in the way of not only their work relationships but also their personal relationships. Changing the reactions and paradigm of how we respond in any situation is easier said than done. I applaud many of our people for starting to understand this and work to improving this mindset.
My favorite line from this chapter is; “Many of the disruptive issues that arise within any team can be attributed directly to a problem with ego.” I went on to tell our team, that this line runs through my head every time I run across a team inside Elite or outside that clearly is in the middle of a rift. The hard part is that conflict isn’t necessarily bad, but with the wrong ego and culture it is at best self-serving and at worst the crumbling foundation of which we stand on.
To begin to take real ownership in our lives, we need to start with our own ego.