May 18, 2020 Baby Step 3

After a week off from Financial Peace, we restart with half of baby step 3; 3 to 6 Month Emergency Fund…….I guess many wish they had heeded this advice.

This past weekend, Wisconsin started to return to normal. I went out to 2 of my favorite restaurants. It felt good. The service suffered from stifling rules and just basic apprehension, yet they were my best meals yet, FREEDOM! Luckily, I live in a remote area and was deemed “essential”, and to a degree haven’t had my freedoms all that devastated. Yet, to see these restaurants and the steps they took to ensure their operation and success, I realized how STRONG the American Entrepreneurial spirit really is.

Please take these few steps this summer:

  • Support the Small Shops in Small Town America, they are hurting and need everyone’s help

  • Don’t complain, we have no comprehension of the struggles these small shops and their employees are facing

  • BE Nice

  • BE Generous

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper.
— Claire C.